Apple Pay — What do we know?

Apple Pay - What do we know?This six-page white paper sets out what is known about Apple Pay today on both a technical and an organizational level and aims to “provide insight and knowledge that UL has gathered, in order to best inform all stakeholders involved.”

The paper explains the technology Apple is using to deliver Apple Pay, the security and privacy protections put in place, how cards can be added to a user’s Passbook wallet and the process that takes place when a payment is made.

This white paper was produced by the UL Transaction Security team and has been approved by the NFC World+ editorial team.

How to access this document

“Apple Pay — What do we know?” is available free of charge to NFC World+ Knowledge Centre members (PDF format, 2.2MB; downloaded 1048 times).

This white paper has been removed at the request of UL Transaction Security. Sorry!

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